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Category Archives: Sick and Twisted
Christmas Alien Gummy CONTEST!
[insert clever filk of a holiday song parodying the Alien movies here] Because I made this today while doing a gummy demo at a National Instruments Alternative Gift Fair: That’s right: I made Christmas Alien Head Gummy. And normally at … Continue reading →
Posted in Contests and Giveaways, General Freakishness, Gummy, Severe Nerdery, Sick and Twisted
3984 Commentshttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F2012%2F12%2F13%2Fchristmas-alien-gummy-contest%2FChristmas+Alien+Gummy+CONTEST%212012-12-14+01%3A36%3A10Kimberly+Chapmanhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F%3Fp%3D398
The Beheading of the Bird
Chandra Achberger is a very talented photographer and snapped this perfect photo as her family decapitated the Artist Turkey they bought from the school bake sale: Reprinted with permission from her blog post here. I may have told her daughter … Continue reading →
Bleedin’ Rats!
I don’t take cake orders. I don’t have a regular business, so pretty much if I’m making a cake for someone, it’s because it’s a charitable effort I support, a close friend, or in exchange for some other favour. So … Continue reading →
Posted in Cake Decorating, Experimental Techniques, Fancy cakes, General Freakishness, My Recipes, Sick and Twisted
3494 Commentshttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F2012%2F10%2F26%2Fbleedin-rats%2FBleedin%27+Rats%212012-10-26+04%3A47%3A27Kimberly+Chapmanhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F%3Fp%3D349
Well That Explains Count Chocula
I’m making a zombie rat cake that bleeds, so I needed to make some edible fake blood. If any of the above statement confuses you, you’re reading the wrong food blog… Anyway. I Googled around for recipes and found a … Continue reading →
Posted in Cake Decorating, Experimental Techniques, General Freakishness, Sick and Twisted
34715 Commentshttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F2012%2F10%2F11%2Fwell-that-explains-count-chocula%2FWell+That+Explains+Count+Chocula2012-10-11+22%3A30%3A53Kimberly+Chapmanhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F%3Fp%3D347
Sunday Sweeted Again! Plus a Peek Into My Cake Cabinet…
I’m thrilled that one of my cakes has been featured on the Sunday Sweets segment of CakeWrecks! Sunday Sweets: Beatle Mania Mine is the one with the Rattles on it: More pics, including several in-progress, are here. As of this … Continue reading →
Posted in Cake Decorating, Experimental Techniques, Fancy cakes, Figures, General Freakishness, Head of Not Quite Hugh/Wolverine, News, Praise from others, Severe Nerdery, Sick and Twisted
329Leave a commenthttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F2012%2F08%2F12%2Fsunday-sweeted-again-plus-a-peek-into-my-cake-cabinet%2FSunday+Sweeted+Again%21++Plus+a+Peek+Into+My+Cake+Cabinet...2012-08-12+19%3A22%3A14Kimberly+Chapmanhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F%3Fp%3D329
I Sssssee You – Gelatin Floral Art Meets Gummy and My Bizarre Brain
So there’s this thing they do in Mexico where very talented people cast some gelatin and then use syringes to artfully inject opaque gelatin into it, leading to some lovely designs. Usually they’re flowers, but I’ve also seen some gorgeous … Continue reading →
Posted in Cake Decorating, Classes, Experimental Techniques, General Freakishness, Gummy, Severe Nerdery, Sick and Twisted
3117 Commentshttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F2012%2F05%2F28%2Fi-sssssee-you-gelatin-floral-art-meets-gummy-and-my-bizarre-brain%2FI+Sssssee+You+-+Gelatin+Floral+Art+Meets+Gummy+and+My+Bizarre+Brain2012-05-28+04%3A11%3A05Kimberly+Chapmanhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F%3Fp%3D311
The Subtleties of Eye Placement
I’ve mentioned before how shaping eyes on your figures can do a lot to convey different emotions. Now I want to show you how even something as simple as placing candy-coated sunflower seeds on snowman cookies can communicate a variety … Continue reading →
Posted in Cake Decorating, Cookies, Figures, General Freakishness, Sick and Twisted
1903 Commentshttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F2012%2F02%2F15%2Fthe-subtleties-of-eye-placement%2FThe+Subtleties+of+Eye+Placement2012-02-15+06%3A32%3A31Kimberly+Chapmanhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F%3Fp%3D190
The Adventures of Not-Quite-Hugh’s Head
If I wasn’t so busy, I’d start a new blog with that title and then do more things like this: More about the signing later. I’m still recovering.
Posted in Cake Decorating, Cupcakes and Mini Cakes, General Freakishness, Head of Not Quite Hugh/Wolverine, Sick and Twisted
120Leave a commenthttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F2011%2F11%2F16%2Fthe-adventures-of-not-quite-hughs-head%2FThe+Adventures+of+Not-Quite-Hugh%27s+Head2011-11-16+18%3A29%3A46Kimberly+Chapmanhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F%3Fp%3D120
Box of Wrecky Wrongness
I’m so giddy to be going to the Cake Wrecks book signing in Austin tonight (well Round Rock, actually, just north of Austin) that I’ve already packed my box of stuff. I’ve got the wreckplica I made them last time … Continue reading →
Posted in Cake Decorating, Cupcakes and Mini Cakes, General Freakishness, Head of Not Quite Hugh/Wolverine, Sick and Twisted
1191 Commenthttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F2011%2F11%2F15%2Fbox-of-wrecky-wrongness%2FBox+of+Wrecky+Wrongness2011-11-15+19%3A56%3A35Kimberly+Chapmanhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F%3Fp%3D119
Zombie Skin: Let’s Bite ’em Back!
Zombie apocalypse got you down? Hordes of the greenie-gutses trying to storm your compound and eat your tasty, tasty brains? Well I did some experimenting and I’ve found a way for you to bite those undead back with Zombie Skin … Continue reading →

Posted in Cake Decorating, Cupcakes and Mini Cakes, Experimental Techniques, Fancy cakes, General Freakishness, Gummy, My Recipes, Severe Nerdery, Sick and Twisted
1133 Commentshttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F2011%2F09%2F27%2Fzombie-skin-lets-bite-em-back%2FZombie+Skin%3A+Let%27s+Bite+%27em+Back%212011-09-27+04%3A58%3A22Kimberly+Chapmanhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.eat-the-evidence.com%2F%3Fp%3D113