Category Archives: Gardening

Actual Baby Carrot

So-called “baby carrots” you buy in the store are not earlier-picked carrots. Usually, they are a sweeter variety and machined down into smaller, rounded, peeled chunks. They aren’t any more or less healthy; they’re simply pre-cut and shaped, and thus … Continue reading

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Back in the post about gardening, I mentioned having a couple of bean pods on our plant. We picked ’em and check out this mighty haul: Okay, maybe not such a big haul. After consultation here and around the interwebs, … Continue reading

Posted in Gardening, Other Food, Working With Kids | Leave a comment

Experiments in Gardening

Every year my husband and I talk about how this will be the summer that we’ll have a fabulous home veggie garden. We fantasize about being able to pop into the backyard for homegrown goodies and cook with them immediately. … Continue reading

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Posted in Gardening, Other Food, Working With Kids | 9 Comments