Playing and experimenting with edible media. Sometimes it's pretty. Other times, not so much. Failure is always an option, then eat the evidence. Nom nom nom.
For those who want some visuals to go along with the demonstration clips I’ve included in the podcast, below are plenty of photos I took at the show along with any other necessary notes:
Jacqui Kelly and her Empire State Building with Sloth cake, demonstrating at Cake International.
Back of the cake showing labels for where internal structure would go if it was made of real cake.
Molly Robbins demonstrating how to add a dog’s face to her Creature Creator base cake.
Isabel Tamargo’s Popeye demonstration piece in progress.
The papercraft lady from the next door craft show who later helped me find an inkless pad was from Circa Design and the Thank You stamp I found for my next batch of thank you cookies is here. When I get around to ordering an inkless pad, I’ll review it alongside other options as a blog post.
Tracey Mann shows how different ratios of cocoa butter to black colouring makes a huge difference.
Tracey Mann’s first cat portrait plan with the outline and eyes cut out for accurate placing on the project.
Tracey Mann’s second template where she’s cut out other important guiding parts.
Tracey Mann’s multiple stages of cocoa butter painting a cat.
Ben Fullard using a craft blade to cut thin bits of sugarpaste off of the surface to look like birch bark.
Ben continues to make little cuts to enhance the bark look.
Ben Fullard making a concrete look with rough mixes of sugarpaste and a blow torch treatment.
Ben’s finished concrete sample.
Here are some of my favourite entries in the competition and from the displays around the show:
Pennywise, in the King of Horror collaboration. By Elza Baldzhiyska and the team at New Cakes.
Buttercream cake by Queen of Hearts Couture Cakes on their vendor booth.
Buttercream cake by Queen of Hearts Couture Cakes on their vendor booth.
Buttercream cake by Queen of Hearts Couture Cakes on their vendor booth.
Sissi Liu, Gold.
Sissi Liu, Gold.
Jeaniffer Arnaiz, Silver.
Jeaniffer Arnaiz, Silver.
Jeaniffer Arnaiz, Silver.
Michelle Becker, Gold
Michelle Becker, Gold
Michelle Becker, Gold
Ya Fen Chang, Silver.
Weihong Huang, Bronze. I loved this piece so much I squeed. I’ve long wanted to play around with rainbow stringwork but I lack the time and skills. Someone doing it and in a 3D form like this just blew me away. It has LAYERS of rainbow inside!
Weihong Huang, Bronze.
Weihong Huang, Bronze.
Sarah Bray, Gold.
Michelle Becker, Gold. And I want to live in it. Like I want this to be my front door.
Ana Remigio, Gold.
Silvia Ricciato, silver.
Silvia Ricciato, silver.
Silvia Ricciato, silver.
Lians Ling, Gold.
Lians Ling, Gold.
Lians Ling, Gold.
Lians Ling, Gold.
Ferda Ozean, Silver.
Thomas Blake Hogan, Gold, BECAUSE HE IS AWESOME. Go see the uniced 3D gingerbread clown heads here. WOW. And go catch his episode of this podcast here.
Sherry Clark, Bronze. The face on this one was so realistic that I kept thinking she as going to open her eyes every second I was near her. Awesomely, awesomely eerie.
Sadie Jones, Silver. Everything about this cake just makes me HAPPY.
Sadie Jones, Silver.
Sadie Jones, Silver.
Sadie Jones, Silver.
Part of the Sugar Witches collaboration. By Kate Bartlett.
Music/Sound Credits
The following songs and sound clips were used in this episode of Eat the Evidence. I am extremely grateful to creators who provide this content.