Monthly Archives: May 2013

The Last Cookie Bender

Or maybe the first. Probably somewhere in between. It was either that or a Futurama joke and I do try to keep this blog family-friendly. Anyway. COOKIE BENDING! A friend on G+ challenged me to make a bent-clock cookie as … Continue reading

Posted in Cake Decorating, Cookies, Experimental Techniques, General Freakishness | 3 Comments

Gummy Stars and Stripes

Last weekend I attended the 2013 Frosting Creators of San Antonio Day of Sharing and decided to do some further gummy experiments with the excuse of entering a piece into their “Born in the USA” themed contest. I wanted to … Continue reading

Posted in Experimental Techniques, Gummy, Praise from others | 1 Comment

Clear Gummy Recipe Posted!

At long last I’ve posted the recipe for Clear (as in colour-free) Gummy: Up until now this recipe was only available in my Flexible, Edible Stained Glass ebook. But now that all three of my gummy recipes are here … Continue reading

Posted in Gummy, My Recipes | Leave a comment

Product Review: Simi Flex Form Molds

One of the things about our huge cake show here in Austin every year is that we get a lot of amazing folks in from all across the country and around the world. One of the other things is that … Continue reading

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Posted in Gummy, Products | 1 Comment