As some of you may know, the venue where I was teaching has closed its classroom. That means classes from me are now extremely rare, so those interested need to grab the opportunities as they arise.
My years of volunteering for the big cake show here in Austin have allowed me to talk the top brass into letting me teach a gummy class at this year’s show at the end of February. But I’m not a big name, so this is pretty much the test to see if I can get the numbers in. That means if you want me to teach gummy (or anything else) in some other location later, you need to help convince anyone you know going to the Austin show to take my class, because if this class succeeds others shows may invite me to teach there. I will happily come teach at other shows as long as my basic travel costs are covered, and that only happens if the show knows you’ll get people in the door.
So please sign up for my class or if you can’t come to Austin, please help spread the word!