Super fast post since we have to get ready and go, but here’s what I’m taking to drop off at the box office of the Weird Al concert we’re going to this evening (having already obtained permission from the venue to do so):
More later. Hope he likes it!

I am sure he will like it. His aunt worked as a cake decorator and made him some pretty amazing cakes for his birthday when he was little, so you might say he's been a cake connoisseur since childhood. You can see pictures of some of those cakes in the gallery section of
Yup, guess he liked it. He tweeted it!
Major squeeage on that!
When I got there they took it to the merch table. Lady at the merch table peeked in the box while I was in the line and shouted, "Oh my god!" Just before I got to the table someone came and took it and she told them, "It's amazing!" When I got up there I said I was glad they finally got it out of the heat. Once identified as the baker, she said Al was apparently worried it wouldn't actually get to him and she'd teased him that she'd eat it on the way to bringing it to him, but then conceded that he didn't need to worry, if it was brought, they'd get it to him.
So I assume it did!
And man, he rocks…he earned those carbs BIG TIME!