I experimented in my kitchen today. I made this:

Gummy and Modelling Chocolate Orange
That, my friends, is not a real orange, which you can probably tell anyway since it’s a rough second attempt. The first attempt had other things go wrong, but this one worked well enough for a proof of concept.
It is made of gummy and modelling chocolate. It’s fully edible, smells fantastic, inexpensive, and once you know the basic tricks on how to get it to work, not that hard. Definitely more advanced than my basic gummy tutorial but easier than you’d think.
Normally I’d be rushing to post the details because it’s so nifty, but I can’t do that this time. I’ve promised the secrets to the Capital Confectioners’ Cake Club of Austin for their fundraising Day of Sharing event and then a gummy techniques class for them shortly after Day of Sharing. I still don’t make any money, but help direct some funds to the cake club so it can continue on its mission to spread sugar arts through the community.
So if you want to know how to make this wicked cool faux food as well as other cool techniques like how I made the walls of Wolverine’s water tank, sign up for one of those events. If you can’t come because of distance or any other reason, say so in the comments because if there’s enough interest, I’ll look into making a video for sale to benefit the club later. Or if you’re within driving distance of Austin and run a similar non-profit cake decorating event, I might be able to come to teach it there.
Update: Just to be clear, I am not trying to replace oranges. This is about artistic exploration in edible media. If you want to know just how dedicated this household is to healthy eating, it’s evident in my kid preferring cheese to cupcakes.

The Orange looks yummy, I love chocolate oranges! Of course now I've just spent an hour shopping for Fred products on Amazon. I will shortly be the owner of several silicone molds, brains, Easter Island, Duckies and AK-47 bullets (for hubby the ultimate gun collector)
LOL The gran's are gonna love summer with Nana now! 😉
It was nice talking to you at the Capital Confectioners' Cake Club meeting. The orange looked amazing and smelled so good. I hope I can make it to the Day of Sharing.
Great meeting you too! Hope to see you again at another meeting or event soon! 🙂